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Your Step-By-Step Sign Up Guide
What could be a more stressful experience than signing up for a service online? We know that many of us go through phases of confusion and frustration, unsure of what to expect ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
5 Things To Consider When Choosing An Internet Package
Everyone needs internet that gets the job done. Whether you're a professional gamer, graphic designer, mobile app creator, small business owner, or an aspiring front-end developer ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
4 Tips and 5 Apps for a Secure Password in 2024
Welcome to the Internet, where cat videos get a million views, memes flood your page, and the same password you use for all your personal accounts is practically begging to be hacked...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
Offline during loadshedding? You don’t have to be.
South Africa's load shedding woes are a common frustration. Just when you need it the most, the electricity grid decides to take a break, leaving you in the dark, figuratively and literally ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
5 Goals, 1 Power Move:
Achieve Amazing Things in 2024 with WIRUlink
This year, ditch the generic resolutions and chase goals that truly transform your life. Focus on unwrapping these 5 life-changing goals with tools you already own ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
Our Heritage: The Story Behind WIRUlink’s Success
Picture this: It's September. As the flowers start blooming, we're reminded that it's not just spring season — it's Heritage Month. This is the time when we celebrate ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
Quick skills you can learn online to reach your goals
Acquiring a new skill can reignite your determination to reach some of those New Year’s resolutions that slipped away while also helping you be more productive at the same time ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
Small Business Owners - Here’s How You Can Cut On Expenses
Small businesses in South Africa are facing a number of challenges in the current economic conditions. Inflation is at a cycle high, the rand is depreciating and competition is fierce. As a result ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy and Ursula Dietrichsen
Get Financially Fit With These 5 E-learning Courses
Are you tired of feeling stressed about your finances? If so, you’re not alone. According to a study, the average South African household has R415,000 in debt. Educating yourself about personal finance ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy
7 Essential Apps and Tech for busy parents
In the 21st Century, parenting comes with its own unique challenges. This ever-evolving full-time position often involves juggling multiple responsibilities that appear ...
Read More By: Sashe-Leigh Padiachy
9 Free-to-use online tools every startup needs to succeed.
As exciting as it can be to start a new business, it can also be overwhelming, especially when it comes to managing tasks, marketing, and finances.
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
The ultimate guide to staying engaged and inspired while you work from home - based on real experience.
While many businesses have returned to normal operations by having their employees work from the office again, working from home has become the norm for many of us. It can still be a very productive approach to business operations, if done right ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
28East and RUSH Network integration a major milestone for SA’s Telco industry.
In a significant move that signals a major milestone in the South African telecommunications and software industries, RUSH Network and 28East have announced their partnership ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
Looking for extra income? Discover the top ways to earn money online with WIRUlink's high-speed internet.
In today's economic climate, every little bit of extra income counts. However, with South Africa's load shedding issues, businesses are struggling to keep afloat ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
Get a backup for your fibre connection.
With a wireless backup in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that you'll always be connected and able to get your work done, no matter what ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
Moving? Wireless customers can easily book an equipment move to the new address.
If you're an existing wireless internet customer and wish to move your equipment to a new address within our coverage area, our team can assist with a hassle-free ...
Read More By: Ursula Dietrichsen
Advanced Equipment Warranty
South Africa is the "lightning capital of the world". Why is this relevant to your WIRUlink Wireless services? By default, all WIRUlink equipment is covered by the Standard ...
Read More By: KT Butt
Fixed Wireless vs. LTE
We often get asked “What’s the difference between WIRUlink’s Fixed Wireless and LTE?”. While both services make use of wireless technologies, there is a fairly large difference ...
Read More By: KT Butt & Petrus Meyer
Fibre Migration
The future of connectivity is made up of a mix of technologies including fibre, wireless and satellite. We believe in offering the best service at competitive rates across ...
Read More By: KT Butt
What is the RUSH Network?
The rush for fibre will soon be over. It is not financially feasible to deploy fibre everywhere. Those living and working outside of fibre coverage areas also need access to fast, reliable ...
Read More By: KT Butt & Jean-Pierre Castanho
Wireless - Unreal Packages
Business and home users need a fast and reliable broadband service while saving money at the same time. To offer the fastest speed at the lowest possible price, we recently released the ...
Read More By: KT Butt
Speed Test Tips
A speedtest is a common method used to measure the speed of your internet service. The measurement is taken between your device and a test server, by calculating the time it ...
Read More By: KT Butt
Offline during loadshedding? You don’t have to be.
Loadshedding or other electricity related problems does not impact the WIRUlink network. All our core network elements, towers, head office and warehousing have standby power ...
Read More By: KT Butt
The rush for fibre will soon be over. It is not financially feasible to deploy fibre everywhere ...
Business and home users need a fast and reliable broadband service while saving money at ...
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WIRUlink is a licensed telecommunications service provider using the latest wireless and fibre technologies to offer data and voice services to businesses and homes in South Africa...
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